Country: Egypt
Group: Nubian
Date Finalized: 4/20/2021
Team: Omer Carrillo (lead), Natasha Chandra, Collen Clauss, Katherine Carr
Content Warning: forced relocation
Approximate Time Period: 1960-1970
The Nubian are a marginalized group in Egypt with an estimated population of 3 to 4 million, while many of them live in neighboring Sudan. They have faced displacement throughout the twentieth century. Dams were constructed on Nubian land without their permission by the Egyptian state during the 1960’s. (Minority Rights 2017). In fact, this forced 50,000 of the Nubian to resettle into poorly built homes 30 miles away from their location of origin (Islam 2017). Floods were even caused by the dams and ruined the farmland and made the area inhabitable. (Minority Rights 2017). The Egyptian government has tried to provide some sort of compensation for the losses and displacement caused by the dams. However, in recent years, the Nubian are still demanding compensation for their losses, but still no progress (Islam 2017). We rate the data quality to be a 3 since there is plentiful historical evidence of how the Nubian were displaced by the dams and recent evidence of them still pushing the Egyptian government to give them compensation for their losses.
- Minority Rights Group (2021). Nubians. (2021, January 20). Retrieved March 30, 2021, from
- Islam, Salma (2017). Egypt’s indigenous nubians continue their long wait to return to ancestral lands. (2017, July 24). The World. Retrieved March 31, 2021,