Country: Egypt

Group: Baha’i

Date Finalized: 4/13/2021

Team 4: Omer Carrillo (lead), Natasha Chandra, Colleen Clauss

            The Baha’i are a marginalized ethnic group that have resided in Egypt since the nineteenth century. The Baha’I’s religious faith has not been recognized by the state since the Egyptian constitution only guarantees religious freedom for Islam, Christianity, and Judaism (Johnson 2007). In 2009, residents of the village of Shuraniya burned the homes of Bahai families, forcing over 30 Bahai to flee (Johnson 2009). The data quality for forced away would be a 3 of 3.


  1. Baha’i. (2021, February 06). Retrieved March 29, 2021, from
  2. Johnston, C. (2007, February 21). Baha’is in Egypt fight for recognition as people. Retrieved March 31, 2021, from
  3. Johnston, C. (2009). Baha’i homes attacked in Egypt village, families flee. Reuters.