Country: Guatemala

Group: Jakaltek (popti’)

Date: 4/19/2020

Team: Thomas Chia (lead), Gabriel Cardenas, Ray Gerard Regorgo

            Of the 21 different Maya groups in Guatemala, all of the groups, including the Jakaltek, are often labeled and spoken of as one major group of Maya. Regardless, there is still evidence of ethnocide against the Maya people in Guatemala as social and economic rights continue to be an issue for the Maya people in Guatemala today. For example, sacred grounds of the Maya seem to be viewed as profitable tourist destinations to the Guatemalan government, and there is no free access to the sites for indigenous Guatemalans and no acts in place guaranteeing the preservation or protection of these sites in the future (Minority Rights,  2018). In schools, officials also have the right to enforce their own particular, non-Maya dress codes even though there is legislation protecting indigenous dress in public and private schools (Minority Rights, 2018). The mining industry in Guatemala has also caused conflicts with the Maya as people living on indigenous land are often forcefully removed for the sake of money and resources for the government (Minority Rights, 2018). There have been movements to resist this push on their land, although it often ends in the criminalization of those who did resist (Minority Rights, 2018).  Many cases of discrimination often arise in urban areas within Guatemala as well, with many being ridiculed for their ethnic backgrounds, dress, and language (Minority Rights, 2018). For example, many indigenous people in these urban areas still wear traditional indigenous clothing and don’t speak Spanish, leading them to be marginalized from the labor market (Miller, 2018).This in turn hurts their lifestyles as a whole considering their limited access to social security and a good income (Miller, 2018). There is definitely a case of ethnocide against the Jakalteko in Guatemala, although there is a lack of specific individual information on the group alone. I would rate the information a three on the Maya in Guatemala but would rate the information a one for the group individually.  


  1. Minority Rights Group. (2018). Maya.