Country: Montenegro

Group: Bosniak

Date Finalized: 2/23/2020

Team: Arisha Khan (lead), Vianney Mancilla, Maya Shrikant

Content Warning: genocide

Approximate Time Period: 1925-1995

Near the modern-day village of Tomaševo in Montenegro, Bosniaks were targeted during the Šahovići massacre in 1925. The massacre started when a general was killed on the way to Šahović (Wikipedia, n.d.). In response, the authorities took all the Bosniaks’ weapons and killed them. There have been different reports on the number of people that have been killed- the numbers range from 600 to 3,000 (Corovic, 2010). The town was renamed to Tomasevo in 1952 and no Bosniaks are reported living there presently. In 1995, there was another genocide of Bosniaks in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Around 66 refugees, who were fleeing the genocide were deported back by Montenegrin authorities, eventually being executed. Several former policemen and Army officers have been accused of inhumane treatment and systemic assault in an attempt to expel them from the northern area of Montenegro (Milosevic, 2012). I would say the data quality would be 2, because I did find some peer-reviewed evidence, but much of the information was from websites as well as news reports in Montenegrin. 


  1. Vulliamy, E., & Kaplan, R. D. (1994). Seasons in hell: understanding Bosnia’s war (p. 41). New York: St. Martin’s Press.
  2. Milosevic, M (2012). Montenegro Commemorated Srebrenica Genocide. (2012, July 12). Balkan Insight. (translated using google translate).
  3. Corovic, E. (2010). ŠAHOVIĆI 1924—GENOCIDE IN TIME OF PEACE – Bosniaks.Net. (n.d.). Retrieved February 16, 2020, from
  4. Wikipedia (n.d.). Šahovići massacre. In Wikipedia. Retrieved February 16, 2020.