Hruschka DJ, Sear R, Hackman JV, Drake A (2019). Worldwide fertility declines do not rely on stopping at ideal parities. Population Studies. 73, 1-17.
Danvers A, Hackman J, Hruschka DJ (2019). The amplifying role of need in giving decisions. Evolution and Human Behavior. 40:2, 188-193.
Tiokhin, L., Hackman, J., Munira, S., Jesmin, K., & Hruschka, D. (2019). Generalizability is not optional: insights from a cross-cultural study of social discounting. Royal Society open science, 6(2), 181386.
Hackman, J., Munira, S., Jasmin, K., & Hruschka, D. (2017). Revisiting psychological mechanisms in the anthropology of altruism. Human Nature, 28(1), 76-91.
Tiokhin L, Hruschka DJ. No evidence that Ebola outbreak influenced voting preferences in 2014 elections, after controlling for autocorrelation in time series. Psychological Science. 28 (9), 1358-1360.
Hruschka, D. J., Gerkey, D., & Hadley, C. (2015). Estimating the absolute wealth of households. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 93, 483-490.
Hackman, J., Danvers, A., & Hruschka, D. J. (2015). Closeness is enough for friends, but not mates or kin: Mate and kinship premiums in India and US. Evolution and Human Behavior, 36(2), 137-145.
Hruschka DJ, C Efferson, T Jiang, A Falletta-Cowden, S Sigurdsson, R McNamara, M Sands, S Munira, E Slingerland, and J Henrich (2014). Impartial institutions, parasite stress and the expanding social network. Human Nature. 25:4, 567-579.
Hruschka DJ, Henrich J (2013). Institutions, parasites and the persistence of in-group preferences. PLOS ONE. 8:5,e63642.
Hackman J, Hruschka DJ. (2013). Fast life histories, not pathogens, account for U.S. state-level variation in homicide, maltreatment, family ties, and religiosity. Evolution and Human Behavior. 34:2, 118-124.